Arai Atelier Gallery in Tokyo ‘Rie Taniguchi solo exhibition’
Rie’s first solo exhibition was at Arai Atelier-Gallery. She showed many of her recent work together for the first time. The theme of endangered species was on going, broadening to equality and tolerance.
Exhibition at Galerie hu in Nagoya
Rie showed some of her work along with Ian Batten's clothes at Galerie hu in Nagoya between 6th and 20th March 2009.
4/2005 ‘Musi Ten’ (Insect Exhibition), Arai Atelier-Gallery, Tokyo Japan >> Works
9/2004 Two person show (sculpture and jewellery), Gallery Ray, Nagoya, Japan >> News Archive
10-12/2003 New works, DAN-GINZA Gallery, Tokyo, Japan >> News Archive
3/2003‘Musi Ten’(Insect Exhibition), Arai Atelier-Gallery, Tokyo Japan >> News Archive
4/2002 New works, DAN-GINZA Gallery, Tokyo, Japan>> News Archive
ロンドン在住アーティスト 谷口理恵のオフィシャル・ホームページ