I want to continue my theme of endangered species .... >> work
Every year, in Taiji, Japan, dolphins are chased into .... >> work
The largest of all living turtles and is the fourth-heaviest... >> work
Ever since I read Ernest Thompson Seton's 'Lobo'... >> work
A moderately large cat native to
alpine and subalpine... >> work
understanding complex and beautiful animals >> work
discover amazing things about familiar animals >> work
understanding complex and beautiful animals >> work
discover amazing things about familiar animals >> work
understanding complex and beautiful animals >> work
Rie's logo is called Bunnyfish meaning bunny and fish...
In Japanese native religion 'Shinto' God inhabits many things >> work
Ian has moved to Livingstone Studio.
ロンドン在住アーティスト 谷口理恵のオフィシャル・ホームページ